What is the meaning of work?
The work is the meaning of what the person is conscious and voluntary effort, which was intended human goods and services to satisfy the needs of his or her own, and this definition is clear to us that the effort animal or human effort is without objective is not considered work.
Work: Kinetic is the effort or the so-called energy and effort that his rights in order to collect or produce leads to satisfy a specific need analyst.
Production: are the goods and services and the accompanying human effort to be found in order to satisfy the need.
This can production be a commodity, as a service, the conditioning energy is one of the most important factors that is embodied in the production of goods and services, such as, Al-Najjar and the worker and the doctor and the porter, all of these adapts human capacity in order to satisfy a specific need, it is here, the work is effort, or the so-called human force that interacts with different initial elements in order to provide a physical commodity, or to satisfy the needs of intellectual and himself, such as those of radio and medical treatment, writers, and T-shirt, and the chair.
It is here has identified Islam the concept of the need and the subsequent work, production and between all elements in a series of texts and concepts, and explained that the human energy to interact with nature elements that produce goods that satisfy the human different physical needs, and fill out the shortcomings of his life, such as food, clothing and medicine.
It is also found in human kinetics and technical forces and a huge mentality can interact with all the elements of nature entity, Almighty God has made in every human ability and energy to enable it to provide supplies and accessories life.
Need and satiated: not for the need to thing there would have been a profound reason to produce it and find it, but do not need all this thing for his presence in vain to excuse him, and the quest for it a waste of effort and money and humanitarian precious time
The human in its natural state must work and earn because the work is what human beings can be up to him so as not to take from gambling monopoly and a way to seize the efforts of others, to live in idle and sagging earning abnormal devastating system Almaashi..alkh life. The health worker depending on his effort during his work affected, the longer working hours, it was had a bad impact on the health factor as it leads to weakness in the production in terms of quantity and quality, has identified the ILO working hours to eight hours a day.
Work is an effort undertaken by a person as this effort stems from the will of the individual, and different business model of the concept for some, some explain that thinking and taking the effort in a particular matter which the use of reason that the work and the other explains that the function is only work, and some explain the implementation anything or do anything work, and work is the basis of life element Every thing in life is associated with work, prayer is the work and sleep also served as the job action also visit a friend at work and that the study of work as the drinking and eating action as the subsidy poor work everything in our lives is a work Vlhma infinite number of work concepts available.
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