Early puberty in girls
Many mothers are unaware of some of the phenomena experienced by the young girl, has been considered natural phenomena, but they represent a danger to it.
Here take a light on this important stage of a girl's life and when the issue of early puberty satisfactory?
What is normal puberty and time?
Begins puberty normal after the age of ten to the girl emergence of symptoms sexual Annual, which is the onset of breast and armpit hair and pubic hair and increased growth and height at the age (12-14) to start the menstrual cycle (menstrual) and are initially irregular is regularity in age (16-18) age and then standing height and growth and become a little girl a woman is capable of procreation are also increasing stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland in the brain and this leads to the secretion of the hormone catalyst for ovulation, which begins ovarian maturation and growth of the egg and the secretion of female hormone (estrogen) of the cells surrounding the ovary which is responsible for the occurrence of symptoms sexual and menstrual.
What are the factors that influence puberty?
Puberty is influenced by genetic factors (genetic chromosomes) for a girl and this interacts with the percentage of lipids in the body of the girl and the lack of grease or plentiful may delay puberty.
When are the symptoms of menopause or puberty annual unnatural and caused by negligence?.
The mother of attention to the symptoms of puberty annual or menstrual Fama began before the age of ten are considered in this case unnatural and require medical advice and treatment because neglect cases of early puberty leads to stop the growth of the length of the girl at an early age, which makes it shorter than its peers in the case of early puberty at age (6 -7) years may become a midget.
What are the causes of early puberty and methods of treatment?
Early puberty for several reasons, including:
Brain tumors and pituitary - ovarian tumors and thyroid Physiopathology - inflammation of the brain such as meningitis - the use of medications containing female hormone (estrogen).
59% of the cases, the cause is unknown puberty nor diagnosed in satisfactory condition, and although it must be accurate follow-up treatment until puberty occurs in age-appropriate and avoid stunted growth or stunting of the girl. After the diagnosis of the situation examined hormones in blood and increase and some other examinations such as X-class treatment is injections given to the girl of (1-3) under the skin or into a muscle where it stopped these injections hormone secretion catalyst of the ovary and prevent early puberty and continue treatment until time of puberty normal (11 and a half - 21 and a half years) where he stopped the injection. If tests showed the presence of tumors and other should be treated with injections.
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