Examine your child is male
It is necessary to examine every mother that her male at birth to make sure of the existence of the testicles in place of natural, or that you view the child to a specialist children to examine a thorough examination of the child.
It is possible that a child is born without testicles or B_khasah one may occur in some cases, the descent of the testis in the scrotum for periods and then disappear inside the abdomen .. In this case, you must perform a diagnosis of ultrasound to detect whether there testicle hanging to deal with it, because the continued existence of the testis intra-abdominal Dmorha leads to the result that the heat of the abdomen, where the natural place outside the abdomen to their need for lower temperature.
And he must undergo surgery to repair the defect when discovered and before the child reaches the age of five, and there are some doctors prefer to wait until 3 years to the descent of the testis of its own.
And in the case of the atrophy that affects their role in the secretion of male hormones and is responsible for the appearance of signs of manhood in adolescence may affect the future reproductive status in the case of testicular atrophy, but if there was one testicle has enough .
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