Friday, January 2, 2015

Definition Facebook
4:36 AM

Definition Facebook

Facebook is considered one of the social networking sites where you can access it and register it free of charge, and is managed by the company "Facebook" is limited liability
Facebook -osme also has been named as well as the signal to be considered a notebook and paper carries photographs and information to individuals in a particular university or school or institution or region.
-qam Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in conjunction with colleagues at Harvard University when he was a student and who specialized in the study of computer science, namely Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes
- Was initially membership Facebook confined only to Harvard students, then subsequently spread memberships to the site to include other colleges in the city of Boston and the University of Ivy League and Stanford University because of the famous site.
- And then spread memberships to the site to include any university student, then spread to include high school students and then spread to include a person who is above the age of 13 years
- On the fourth of February 2004 was the launch site Facebook has achieved since its inception wide fame as it was something new and distinctive and unique allowed for college students to communicate, especially to Harvard University, which was taught by Marc was not the electronic record containing students' names and photographs in his alma mater this is born urgent need for action marc electronic record to achieve this end.
-adm Facebook many users around the world up to now number more than 200 million users since it is the first social networking site in the world.
- In addition, it is a great location allows to download 41 million images per day and personal Dmnhaalsour
-oasmah Facebook user who owns a particular page on the site that joins several sub-networks, such as a particular geographic area or a particular school and many other places that enable the user to know which people Who's in the same class in the same network, who joined them.
-walgaah Of this site is to communicate with others and interact and communicate with them, plus it allows users to add friends and send messages to them and Adavenhm to list Alasedkamn during which you can meet new friends from all over the world, and find friends Afterqto from each other or did not meet and each for a long time, this also allows Facebook to renew the bonds of human relationships again.
- Advanced user can fine-tune the social character more and stimulate his mind by identifying closely on many important topics and thorny in many scientific, intellectual, social and moral aspects, on the other hand, it helps a lot of people to find jobs and participating and volunteering in a lot of fields.


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