Friday, January 2, 2015

Method of learning English
4:32 AM

Method of learning English

English is divided into three sections:
Speaking Conversation
Reading and Reading
And then listen Listening

Steps Learn English

You have to follow these steps to learn English
You trust in God

First of all.
Increase your self-confidence and lack of frustration wearer will not fall in the wrong as Onhalik not to neglect the language Alanglazeyhutetm it will go then to exercise and you understand the rules of the English language are the basis of the English language in the evolution of language and you should try to translate any word you see in front of you to put it in your personal dictionary and do not try to translate the word to the Arabic language and look for a very English meaning and Amasab you translate it into English go to the translation of the Arabic language and try to learn words that contain an emphasis on some of the letters in one word for that one word to two syllables may contain one or several clips and some of these tight sections when pronounced stress it more than others. , One of the most important rules to speak English and understand this language, especially when you interview someone who speaks the language fluently, high-speed and is considered

Also that you read some pages of English books and you read some of the words of others Marovhemen English, but you will come out with a great interpreter of the outcome of the English words that you have defined.

You now have the words of the English language, and know the meaning of the Arabic language in all that is left now is you Ntgahaballgh English.
Go and ask who has the knowledge of the language Alanglazeyhan how to pronounce or listen to some tapes in English
You follow a foreign film and hear how to pronounce the word in the English language ... and most of the words in the English language are considered to pronounce the normal way and some the other way, try to pronounce to know those other way

Believe me, a few other ways, but you need some patience .. tried to speak with one of the restaurants or one speaks English now have the words in Alanglazeyho know how to pronounce English Be sure of yourself, and do not be afraid of the error remained far English conversation.
You're not the first mistake to speak in English or Ashan evolution of trust in yourself tried to speak loudly in English and be confident Bank will succeed and become adept in English in terms of conversation, listening and reading


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