Puberty in women
What is the definition of the beginning of puberty in both sexes? Is that human dreams during sleep that fuck with another human being is different with him in the race, in the sense that the male dreamed that fuck with a female, and the female dream she has sex with a male.
Since the process of citizenship in both sexes contain several levels, some of which are up to the summit of sexual pleasure (peak) or what is also called saturation, some of which did not get to the top of saturation, he has the wet dreams as reality with one difference between them is that wet dreams happen and one asleep imagining there is no partner, and the fact actually occurs with a partner.
Puberty in women can be up to the top of saturation - the peak - and possible to be without it.
Some women are not aware if they had an erotic dream in her or not, just as happens with men, many of us forget does not remember his dreams, and as the wet dream is a dream, in fact, but dream about sexual process could be remembered rights and can be forgotten as soon as he woke up.
Of wet dreams landmarks among women and connotations that indicate the occurrence wet dream to have during her is the presence of secretions around in the vaginal area and the reproductive system have, and this is relevant to the level that it was their desire it, the greater the Tllk secretions indicates that the increase of sexual irritation, and perhaps Thtelm women and remember it erotic dream but they do not find something about those secretions in her reproductive system, and the reason for this is due either they did not reach the peak stage and satiated, and either of these secretions are dried and either that those secretions did not occur for any reason whatsoever.
Puberty in women is the same guy I have with only one difference is that the man spewing Heoanata sperm at the peak which is excreted through Soaúla citizenship process and increase when they reach the peak.
What are those secretions in women?
What is secreted Gdtan dual Tzmaan Bgdta Bartolan one of which is located on the right labia and the other on the left labia and Tafrzan liquid Mkhattiya when eroticism, and there are other secretions from the cervix and vaginal walls also.
If Valahtlam a natural phenomenon that occurs for all Alepeshrbad puberty in both sexes, and may occur several times per day and perhaps months after months passed without the occurrence depending on several physical and psychological considerations alike.
Wet dreams are incident affecting female and male, and be that the condition of a people one both sexes dream he practiced sexual relationship with another person of the opposite sex, for example, male dreamed of being the sex with female relationship, grew their female dreaming as the sex with the male relationship, and after this dream can reach both sexes to peak and orgasm and can not happen, when the arrival of a person, whether thanked or female to rush sex may lead the piece to the discharge occurs when both sexes are called liquid secretions of male and be of his penis sperm, while female secretes means a Gdtan dual and Tzmaan Bgdta Bartolan.
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