Friday, January 2, 2015

What is the meaning of sexual dams ?
4:23 AM

What is the meaning of sexual dams ?

The universe be in accordance with the process of development and growth in all the molecules in which it is the man who emerged from the process of natural evolution has to complete forms together polite copes with the full nature of fungal alpha male or a female, and here we begin within it.


Sexual desire is the need of one gender to the other, where this falls under the need for feelings of satisfaction and Alirtoa physical sufficiency, and develop human moral and spiritual as well.

What is homosexuality

Homosexuality several forms and types of fall are as follows

First - homosexuals "who have sex with their gender (male + male) and (female + female)" This type of anomaly thorny and complicated Valmthlee of both sexual probably March role male or female or both.

Second - "misfits and gay at the same time" so that one's sexual lives a normal life and at the same time having sex with the same type, either doing the role of the male, or female, or both, with the same sex.

Thirdly - homosexuality (incest) so that a single-family members to have sex with another member in which, if the father having sex with his daughter or mother having sex with her son, with her brother or sister, or the girl with her uncle or grandfather or uncle, or the young man with his uncle or aunt or grandmother.

Fourth - homosexuality (with animals) if the human male having sex with female animals, or that the human female having sex with male animals, or that the exercise of the human male female role with male animals.

V. homosexuality (using tools) if the male or female sex friction padding or bed, or other inanimate objects, or that the man Bielag member of the male, in artificial holes fancy and senses through which it merges a member of the female genitalia, or that the female Bielag objects similar to the penis in her genital area and within this form of homosexuality, like other forms of homosexuality fall many forest does not have the first time.

VI - homosexuality Almasoshi or Almazhuka this case reflects the case of male or female, who loves to be tortured by the bed partner, if male or female exercise the role of the servant or the role of the dog or held derogation is chained and violence against them, sexually Withar this act, and this topic Forest in se of things what Allah has sent down by the Sultan.

Seventh - homosexuality (sadism) so that the male and female acts of sadism painful painful, does not reflect the compassion, or the creation normal emotional equilibrium torturing his partner in the process of citizenship, nor feel the pleasure, but to be a violent and harsh with the counterparty to him in bed, as is the case it may be used Balmasoshih sadistic Tavebah tools Kalslasl and whips him against the opposite partner in the process of sexual intercourse, and there are many forms and types of fantasies and torture.

Eighth - homosexuality with young age he was doing seniors having sex with young people and those who have not attained adulthood after increased extremism and perhaps to do with having sex until the baby or the baby in the cradle, and this applies to both male and female.

IX - homosexuality through sex with older people so that craves adult rational or sensible rational of fairly young who are Akbrunhm age-heavy years was a young man does not like that no more than twenty years of age having sex with women in their fifties or sixties or seventies or even on top of that, the same thing applies to the female so love what girl did not exceed twenty-year-old doing sex with men over fifty or sixty or above.

Important note and point Correction regarding this paragraph, can be human sexual together, but the customs and traditions of the community or the circumstances force him to do this act, or even emotional orientation, and exclude here the human mentality during the period of adolescence, which sometimes is not controlled by his feelings and inclinations, which requires parents or officials teens control over their behavior always.

X. - homosexuality psychological - Alsikoloja- if the girl generate incomplete femininity girl and feel inside as a man, and do the impossible to change her sex, and the same applies to the male, though born male and complete, but it feels in the depths like a female and also do the impossible to change his sex to female, and here to be pause to clarify a common mistake among people Vahaz of this kind is not necessarily based on the desire to have sex in the reproach is purely sexual pleasure (abnormal), but sexual abnormalities spiritual respect by refusing to deal with the same sex who found it.


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